Name............. EMC Phase 2
Publisher........  E.M.Computergraphic 
Price............ UK: £24.99  France: 199Frs
CDROMs........... 1
Used Space....... ~640Mb
Language......... English
Bootable......... No
Filesystem....... ISO9660
Requirements..... Mouse, keyboard
Usable Software..

                  Amiga KS1.3+ .............  80%
                  Amiga KS2.1+ .............  95%
                  Amiga KS3.0+ .............  95%
                  Amiga KS3.0+ AGA ......... 100%
                  IBM PC WIN3.1 ............  65%

Release Date..... Nov/Dec 1995
Adobe type 1      - EMC volumes 17,27,29,77
CGFonts           - (with postscript & .atc files) EMC vols 25,26,30,31,82
Colour            - EMC vols 48,49,71
Imagine Type 1 fonts   

IFF, IFF Col, GEM, IMG - Sorted by format/theme (EG Borders, Fruit, Cartoons)

In IFF 16/256 colours and HAM interlace formats.
70 MB 736x566 IFF 16/256 colour video backdrops

Access Software.. Thumbnail indexing for all images/clipart,
                  and IFF font preview screens for all fonts.

Comments......... Other related CD-ROMs:
                   EMC Phase 1 
                   EMC Phase 3 
                   EMC Phase 4 

Testers Opinion.. "There is no rubbish here, it is all quality stuff."
                  Rating: 94%                 (Amiga User International Feb 96)

                  "Once again This is a great CD... Roll on Phase 3!"
                  Rating: 90% and "Gold" award          (Amiga Format Issue 82)

                  "Phase 2 is another excellent CD from EMC that proves to be 
                  an excellent companion to their Phase 1 CD. EMC have a long 
                  standing and solid reputation for supplying high quality 
                  products and their Phase 2 CD only goes to reinforce the 
                  reasons why they have gained this reputation and goes to 
                  prove that they can consistently create high quality 
                  products. [...] Phase 2 doesn't exhibit any of the quality 
                  loss normally inherent with follow up disks. 
                    This CD is definitely recommended if you have even a 
                  passing interest in desktop publishing or desktop video. 
                  If you already have the Phase 1 CD you shouldn't miss this 
                  one, if you don't have EMC Phase 1, I would wholeheartedly 
                  recommend that you add the Phase 1 and 2 CDs to your
                  collection. [...]
                  ...add Phase 2 to your CD Rom collection now and roll on Phase 3...
                                     (Larry Hickmott (CU Amiga/Amiga Shopper)) 

Keywords......... Fonts, clipart, Pictures

Sources.......... Errol (EMC)
                  Johan Eriksson
                   Anders Bakkevold 

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